The Pardon Of Prayer Part 5

Today is part five of our series on the Lord’s Prayer. The Pardon of Prayer is the part in this prayer that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. We’re looking at forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

Some of us might have misconceptions of what forgiveness is and it’s not.
Forgiveness is not saying what the person did was okay. Then forgiveness does not condone evil, it releases us from it. So, here is what forgiveness is, power, cancels the work of the devil in our life. Sets us free from the bondage and torment of bitterness and Satan’s strings. Opens the door for healing in our heart and body. Trusting that God knows what’s best for us. Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. And last, appropriating what Jesus died for us to have forgiveness.